Tornado Tragedy

Meet the Hardings Part 2

Today I’m back with more character interviews! If you missed the last one where we got better acquainted with Jennie, the main character of Tornado Tragedy, you can read it here. In today’s post, we’ll be getting to know Joanna, David, and Christopher, the three eldest children in the Harding family.

Joanna’s Interview:

We’ll start with Joanna, the eldest. Before we get started on the interview, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself, Jo!

Thanks for having me here on your blog! Like you already mentioned, I’m the eldest of seven siblings. I’m a redhead, and I enjoy composing new songs, arranging music, and singing and playing instruments with my siblings.

What is your favorite color?

My favorite color is pink!

If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

It would be for my siblings to get along better and be more willing to do all the project ideas I have for us to do.

Where is your happy place?

My happy place is at my keyboard, surrounded by sheet music, making up new tunes or rearranging old ones.

Name one person who has had a big impact on your life and tell how they have done so.

There are a lot of people who have impacted my life, but one would be my Aunt Carrie. She was an amazing singer, and she gave me voice lessons up until she went to be with the Lord.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

I’m an extrovert, which seems to be pretty common amongst oldest siblings.

How do you feel about being a character in a book?

I think it’s exciting! We’ve definitely had some adventures that I think readers will enjoy hearing about.

What do you hope will be accomplished by having your story shared with the world?

The situations we dealt with during this time were definitely not easy, but God used them to strengthen us and show us our faults, and I hope the lessons we learned will be a blessing to others. I hope as a result that other sibling groups will avoid making the same mistakes we made.

David’s Interview:

Next I’ll be interviewing David, who is the oldest boy in the Harding family. David, how about you tell us a little about yourself before we get to the questions.

Okay. Hopefully this won’t take too long since I left my game paused on my computer. I’m seventeen, I’ve already graduated from school, and I work in my Dad’s mechanic shop.

What is your favorite color?

My favorite color is medium to dark green.

If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

It would be nice to be able to function with less sleep than I do. Then I’d have more time for doing the things I like doing.

Where is your happy place?

Anywhere I can be playing a game on my phone or laptop.

Name one person who has had a big impact on your life and tell how they have done so.

One person who comes to mind is Jason, one of my dad’s employees. He was the main one who trained me when I started working at the shop, and now we’ve become pretty good friends. I enjoy working with him.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

I’m an introvert.

How do you feel about being a character in a book?

I’m not too thrilled with the idea, but I didn’t have much say over the matter.

What do you hope will be accomplished by having your story shared with the world?

I haven’t given that too much thought, I guess since I’m usually pretty busy with other more important things.

Christopher’s Interview:

Our last interview for today is with Christopher. Chris, glad you could do an interview with us. Before we get to the questions, tell us a little about yourself.

Hi Everyone! I’m Christopher, and I’m fifteen. I enjoy building pretty much anything out of wood as well as spending time with my sister Jennie.

What is your favorite color?

My favorite color is red.

If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

If I could change something, it would be for my siblings to get along better, so there is more peace in our family

Where is your happy place?

My happy place is out in my dad’s shop, building a new project.

Name one person who has had a big impact on your life and tell how they have done so.

My dad has had a big impact on my life. He’s been a good example to me, and he’s taught me a lot.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

I’m an introvert.

How do you feel about being a character in a book?

I think it’s neat. I’m not super into reading, unless it’s woodworking books and magazines, but I hope others will enjoy the book.

What do you hope will be accomplished by having your story shared with the world?

I hope other siblings will learn some of the lessons that we had to learn the hard way. That way, they won’t make the same mistakes we have.

Thank you to Joanna, David, and Christopher Harding for being willing to be interviewed today. Hope y’all enjoyed getting to know them a little better.

Links to Buy the Book

Paperback: Tornado Tragedy

E-book: Tornado Tragedy

About Author

Hannah E. Griggs

Hannah E. Griggs is a teacher and author of primarily middle-grade Christian fiction from Texas. She loves card-making, history, and coffee. When she’s not writing, you’ll find her building her education business, reading Christian fiction and biographies, or improving her guitar skills.


  1. Bethany

    I enjoyed this!!

    1. I’m so glad to hear that, Bethany!

  2. Loved getting to hear everyone’s replies! The Hardings are an interesting bunch. 😉

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, Vonnie!

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